This chapter focuses on the specific games Megan Terry implements on stage in several of her transformational plays and, in particular, in one that has been acknowledged at several reprises as bearing a surrealist mark due to its fluid structure and its open form one that "is no longer a consistent set of interrelated units". The technique of transformations was already introduced, although moderately, in Terry's most famous play, Viet-rock: a political play overtly against the Vietnam War, conceived out of the rules of the game basketball in terms of playing with the audience's expectations. The play revolves around three inmates, linked by murder. "Jaspers hired Michaels to hire Gregory to kill Jaspers' wife. Gregory botched the job and all three are serving out life sentences. This is the first of Terry's transformational and dream dramas. The play consists of a series of seemingly non-linear, random, abstract juxtapositions, not prompted by cause-and-effect, very similar to the surrealist juxtapositions.