In Japan, the young generation referred to as 'NEET' and 'freeter' can be considered as a reserve army of the precariat. Of course, they are called precariat for their insecure situation, and because this word contains an aspect of being conceived as a new 'movement subject'. Japan, too, all social spheres and a growing part of the population are becoming pervaded and affected by precarization. With reference to the ambivalence of the technologies of self-government of precarious subjects, Oliver Marchart's work is linked to the studies of governmentality by the late Michel Foucault. These are also central to Isabell Lorey's analyses of the ambivalence of precarization mechanisms, developed in the context of her own academic precarity and self-reflexive participation in the movements of the precarious. Carl Cassegård uses concepts of 'alternative space' and 'empowerment' to investing ate events and processes where the precarious manage to question and redirect hegemonic discourses that attribute certain modes of subjectivation and identities to them.