This chapter examines the rules and regulations applying to privately owned land at the base of Mont Tremblant, outside the park boundaries. Canadian municipalities play a strong role in land use control for traditional reasons. Station Mont Tremblant's present and proposed base camps and golf courses are located in the merged Town of Mont Tremblant, at the base of Mont Tremblant. Land use planning in Quebec is governed by the Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development. This Act sets out the legal framework for the developments at the base of Mont Tremblant, outside the boundaries of the Park. The chapter on environmental issues goes into detail about the conservation of wildlife habitats and the forest milieu, threatened and vulnerable species, protected watercourses and lakes, floodplains, wetlands, and landslide areas. Environmental rules can operate also at the federal level, and the applicability of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act to the Versant Soleil development provided important ecosystem protection.