African wo/men in their struggles against extreme poverty and oppressive cultural customs, wo/men see Jesus as liberator, healer, companion, and personal friend of wo/men, nurturer of life, and the one who opposed oppressive sexist practices and who still encourages African wo/men for their self-affirmation. White feminists in the US and Western Europe: in their challenge against western elite male-centered dominant discourses, Jesus is envisioned as a prophet or incarnation of Sophia the Divine Wisdom. Christian understanding of Jesus, be it non-academic devotional, academic White western hegemonic, or post-colonial feminist scholarly understanding, reflects each ideology. As one of the factors that promoted the kyriarchal mindset among Christians, feminist scholarship has paid critical attention to the kyriarchal nature of biblical texts. Biblical texts were written in kyriarchal societies in andocentric languages that express general things in masculine forms and use feminine forms only when referring to things exclusively related to females.