This chapter presents the foundation as well as the implementation of a conception of global and universally valid ethics. There was a need for a planetary macro-ethics in the age of science to be distinguished from the traditional or conventional forms of ethics, namely micro-and meso-ethics. The chapter provides the situation of philosophical ethics has changed in so far as the need for global or universal ethics from 1970. It describes about the John Rawls's Theory of Justice a complementarity approach to the problem of – intercultural – justice. Rawls also gives up the possibility of a genuine principle of universalisation of Kantian provenance. The chapter discusses Michael Walzer's approach to a minimalist version of universal ethics and the alternative of discourse ethics. The regulative principle of discourse ethics cannot simply be satisfied by juridically relevant compromises, although these are indeed necessary; however the pursuance of moral discourses aims at least at a consensus about the reasons for the dissent.