Historical, ideological, political, architectural and technological factors materially produce the city. Setha M. Low discusses two complementary perspectives of social production and social construction of space. The first perspective consists of the above-mentioned factors, which physically produce the material setting. The second perspective focuses on the transformation of space through social praxes, and memories. S. M. Low, Spatializing culture. The construction process includes the individual who, on the basis of personal experiences, practical uses of the city's space, social interactions and memories, transforms the spaces of the city into symbolic places. It is through such transformations that an individual constructs a real and symbolic identification with the city as a whole and with its districts. To reveal these relationships, the qualitative methodology of urban anthropology and oral history is almost inescapable in such a dimension. The corpus of urban narratives, illuminates how people construct their own experience of urban life in the interplay between defined and the imagining of the city.