The translated and the unsigned items in the Anglo-Greek Review were on the whole the work of G. K. Katsimbalis himself or Nikos Gatsos. Careful study of Gatsos' archive, which is in the possession of his heir Agathi Dimitrouka, may throw up further information about the Review. As with the Review's first series, so with its second, its cessation of publication was never announced to the readership. The decision to cease publication is simply to be ascribed to G. P. Savidis – a decision in which it has been said that Maro Seferis alone encouraged him. The British Council in Athens must itself have felt uncomfortable with the anti-British climate which had started to prevail in the light of recent events in Cyprus. That magazine has now been the subject of an unpublished doctoral thesis by Marina Kokkinidou, which covers the period of its publication.