At the Kinesthetic/Sensory (K/S) level, the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development is translated into behavior both elicited from and enhanced by the media properties. It can be very important therapeutically to be two years old expressively, even if one is 20, 30, or 40 chronologically. The purpose is to experience pure sensory input that forms and leads to emotional awareness and the development of memory. The creativity level is achieved at several phases, including the process of idea generation, which comes from the fluency of the scribble chase and the originality in finding forms from the ambiguous lines; story conception. The scribble chase could be used again at a midpoint in therapy to open the client up to a free association and compare responses to the art processes from the beginning of therapy to those in the present. Incubation is activated first in the kinesthetic problem solving of what to do with the materials and, second, intrinsic motivation is activated.