This chapter presents initiatives that emphasize the cognitive and symbolic functions of the expressive therapies continuum. Ultimately behavior change rests on awareness, knowledge, insight, and problem solving, yielding some action at all five levels of being human, the physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and social. A change of patterns is appropriate throughout life. Resilience depends on the ability to adapt, accept, grieve change and move forward with fresh motivation. Creating a division or barrier and then completing the entire collage with added materials facilitates problem solving. The use of guided imagery relies heavily on lowering the brain waves to a relaxed beta or theta state and allowing unconscious images to merge with limbic responses. Guided imagery is a form of focus, altering perception and mindfulness that assists the rerouting of brain synaptic patterns that may have been there since early childhood. Creativity is first initiated when visualization begins in the imagination during guided imagery as spoken by the therapist.