The Yucatán peninsula's Caribbean coast is an international tourist destination offering beaches, fishing, diving, shopping, nightlife, and other vacation-oriented amusements. It also offers exposure to Maya culture. The Maya presence in the Yucatán peninsula predates the arrival of the Spanish by thousands of years. The tourism industry creates problems and stresses for Maya who live and work in the region. Relationality is the idea that beings and objects emerge and are known through interaction. This stands in contrast to Western, modernist epistemologies and ontologies, according to which beings and objects exist in themselves primarily. If relationality offers a conceptual framework, negotiating refers to the discursive process, carried out early on, by which designers and collaborators learn each other's concerns and set the terms for their working relationship. Sharing is the nonproprietary exchange of information and knowledge. Unlike traditional design practice, designers and collaborators who share information and knowledge contribute these things toward a common goal.