This chapter presents a case study about Xavi, who was 14 years and 11 months old. He was enthusiastic about this meeting and seemed willing and collaborative at all times. He was diagnosed with dyslexia at 9 years of age, when he was in fourth grade of elementary school. In Spanish, dyslexic children have problems with the automation of word recognition. These difficulties accessing the lexicon are explained by a deficient development of lexical and phonological processing. Xavi was assessed in fourth grade with the Batería de Evaluación de los Procesos Lectores, Revisada. On the main indexes of this test, Xavi presented mild difficulty in naming letters, same-different word pairs, reading pseudowords and grammatical structures. This test includes primary factors such as verbal, numeric, spatial, memory and perceptive speed factors, which are considered to be reading skills and are thought to be related to general intelligence.