One of the striking questions concerning the Trypillian mega-sites is about sustainability. A first aim of this model is to depict and quantify the catchment areas of Trypillian sites in the Buh-Dnipro interfluve, according to their size. This suggests that land and timber used by Trypillian B sites affected resources locally but not overall in the region and, for instance, enough woodland for timber and arable land for cultivation were available for newly founded settlements. The model presented constitutes a starting point for the estimation of Trypillian carrying capacity, which could benefit from future improvements. For this purpose, the application of phosphate analysis could aid understanding of the function of the space in the middle of the sites, usually considered as empty but where rural activities could have taken place. Finally, analysis of wood imprints in daub are in progress, which could give information on the mean timber diameter in constructions and, consequently, on woodland management.