The presidential election of 2012 was not a game. It was not a prizefight between two men, but a fierce contestation of policy and principle. Electoral map of 2012 virtually duplicates that of the previous presidential election in 2008. As in 2008, Obama's victory came from a coalition of young, female, minority, and unionized citizens. There also were notable differences between generations, religious groups, and income classes. The most severe divisions are race and ethnicity. Despite his poor returns among whites, Obama still won the presidency. The election of 2012 was a contest of principles, not a race of individuals. It provided a striking combination of the unique and the commonplace. Surprisingly, racial polarization was clearly more evident in 2012 than in 2008. Every presidential election brings unique excitements, adds to the historical trove of the world's oldest democracy, and carries consequences for the future of the nation and the world.