This chapter reports how white Americans will react politically in an age where race and party politics may hinge on addressing issues highly relevant for disproportionately affected racial and ethnic minorities. Turning to the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, more pointedly race influenced the electoral choice of voters. It also views the extent to which non whites influenced these elections and the potential for their influence in future presidential elections. The 2012 presidential election likely indicates an electoral response to dynamics between two candidates-President Barack Obama and former governor Mitt Romney-and between two national party agendas that have seemingly shocked the party system. Evoking the theory of, the 2012 election itself has become its own in alerting the major political parties to consider strategic game changes for their survival and competitiveness. Indeed, at precipice-intersectional groupings- considers the future of the American electorate, partisan strategies and domination, and electoral outcomes.