"The Hero's Journey" (THJ) is a phrase coined by Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces first published in 1949, that is quickly becoming a catchphrase and new critical idiom. The exploration of THJ phenomenon has a shared interest in the studies of imaginary worlds, as the two overlap. It is through the Wonderworld where the trajectory of the heroic journey lies. Communal experience has shown that there is no other way of changing, for the humans, including psychologically growing, than through drastic turns that lead us toward emerging identities, transforming biologically (as well as hormonally), emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Updates to the formulization and interpretations of THJ are not only possible but are due and timely. Encompassing the deliberations of at least four generations of scholars, THJ as an academic discourse received theoretical and methodological updates, which are important to highlight.