Programs such as Ask Care Escort (ACE), Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), and many official briefs have given soldiers efficacy in suicide and substance abuse intervention with their fellow soldiers. One of terror management theories (TMT's) fundamental postulates is that humans possess an innate defense mechanism that maintains psychological equilibrium once one faced with reminders of one's mortality. TMT is a robust theory that explains how humans maintain psychological equilibrium despite the knowledge that they will someday die. It explains how humans cope with events that elicit mortality salience (MS). Consistent with the military cultural worldview (CWV) of strength is the concept of mental toughness. To underscore the value of mental toughness among military personnel, mental toughness is among the evaluative criteria that can be included in each soldier's yearly written evaluation. Changing this cultural value of seeking mental fitness to become a better soldier and person should help to lower suicide ideation substance abuse and other psychological challenges.