This chapter provides a review of the research knowledge in the area of cyberbullying, from the first study in 2003 to the state of the knowledge at the end of 2015 and through 2016. It explores the issues that have intrigued the research and applied communities, and attempts to ‘stop and stand and stare’ into the future – to identify what we think are the crucial developments that are just over the horizon. The chapter outlines the movement from initial definitions of cyberbullying to perhaps a more nuanced definition based upon cyber aggression. The research on coping with cyberbullying has focused mainly on two aspects of coping: buffering the negative impact of victimisation and stopping the victimisation. The chapter explains the interplay between children and young people (CYP) and their pseudo-cyborg status; emerging technology; artificial intelligence and robotics; aggression; new coding abilities of CYP and the “dark web”; and the advances of issues and movements.