This chapter proposes psychological capital (PsyCap) as a scientific and evidence-based framework for measuring, developing and managing resilience in the workplace. Avey et al. (2009) argues that resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adverse events or personal setbacks, is the most important resource to navigating a troubled work environment. Resilience is an admirable characteristic at all levels of an organisation and worthy of development. Perhaps one of the most effective strategies for the development of psychological resilience in employees is through leadership styles that promote the types of personal capacities reflected by PsyCap. Research demonstrates a positive relationship between resilience and positive organisational outcomes, such as employee performance and organisational commitment. An important characteristic of PsyCap is that research indicates it is state-like, which means that it can be developed. In short, PsyCap is related to many of the desired outcomes sought by organisations, managers and human resource professionals.