Over several decades, conflict resolvers have invented, discovered and developed a wide range of techniques for successfully communicating across far smaller, less defended, yet remarkably similar interpersonal borders and cultural divides, and resolving disputes in families and communities without warfare or coercion. Doing so also means forming international conflict resolution teams that can train indigenous "conflict revolutionists", build integrated conflict resolution capacity both locally and globally, enlist international support and train trainers who can provide commitment, depth, insight and continuity to these strategies. This chapter presents six intervention strategies that will be useful and important in building local capacity. The intervention strategies are: Combine responses to grief, loss and trauma with conflict resolution, Build skills in responding to stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, Adopt an elicitive approach to working in and between cultures, Integrate skills in dialogue, mediation and all interest-based processes, Encourage empathy and forgiveness, truth and reconciliation and Design preventative systems and institutionalize conflict resolution.