Fireball is derived from a Native American game. It gives group members an opportunity to explore themes such as accountability, interpretation of rules, and self-perception. The intervention begins as a simple ball-tossing activity. It evolves into an opportunity for group members to reflect on their judgments of themselves and each other, and also provides an opportunity for people to increase their integrity, a key tenet of recovery from addiction overall, but particularly relevant to Steps thus 'To take a daily inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it'. When the activity is working well, good conversations about judging others, self-regulation, and rule following may occur. Fireball is not for every group and it runs the risk of creating conversations and emotions that can be hard for some groups to deal with emotionally. Generally, people who are well into working the 12 Steps will prepared to talk about concepts such as self-criticalness, judgmentalism, and hubris.