Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) is a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which enhances one's ability to cope with past, current, and future stressors through three phases of treatment. Patients first learn about the stress response. The goal of SIT is consistent with my objective of returning patients to optimal functioning in an expeditious manner with the aim of bolstering their coping skills and self-reliance. When dealing with anxiety and stress-related disorders, the resurfacing of traumatic memories is the rule rather than the exception. Individual Members suffered from combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, hurricane-related acute stress disorder, sexual-assault-related post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and general adjustment problems with anxiety. SIT is a flexible and individually tailored alliance-based intervention used with individuals, couples, and groups. Therefore, it is imperative that those with significant personality dysfunction and poor affect regulatory abilities, be excluded from this type of group modality and be treated on an individual basis until they are more suitable for SIT.