In this chapter we have considered the major topics explored by social scientists in attempting to understand intimate relationships in their richness and complexity. As you can see, psychologists have raised and attempted to answer some interesting questions but have barely scratched the surface of these intriguing topics. What is clear from this chapter is that intimate relationships are particularly important to women; that men, women, and children depend critically on women for social support; and that most problems that people face in their relationships may be improved substantially with social support. We need to shine a spotlight on new relationships that women are forging with other women as mentors of other women. We may need new lines of inquiry to capture the changing nature of relationships in the context of continually evolving social structures, gender roles, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and values. And we are challenged with the task of illuminating those factors that cause problems for women and men in their most important relationships, that contribute to distress and conflict, and that stand in the way of contentment and fulfillment.