Study of human brain function after brain lesions can reveal much about the function of the intact brain. HJA suffered a stroke in 1981 which led to a large lesion in the ventral visual pathways. After the lesion, he became visually agnosic for objects and for scenes (topographical agnosia), prosopagnosic, alexic and achromatopsic, although he was able to remember and describe visual attributes of objects from long-term memory. His disorder was defined as integrative agnosia (Riddoch & Humphreys, 1987; Riddoch, Humphreys, Gannon, Blott, & Jones, 1999) since his object recognition deficit seems to derive from an inability to organise global forms from local features, especially when there are multiple objects in the scene (Giersch, Humphreys, Boucart, & Kovács, 2000).