This chapter describes a true Cognitive Behavior Couple Therapy (CBCT) integration based on cognitive and behavioral foundations Clinicians who identify with CBCT may often be widely eclectic, without truly adhering to behavioral or cognitive principles and techniques. CBCT emphasizes behavioral adaptation as well as cognitive restructuring, and a thorough assessment is essential in order to guide treatment planning and to blend the elements of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) appropriately in meeting the needs of a particular couple. CBCT is based on more empirical, experimental evidence than any other couple therapy model, due to the primacy of cognitive and behavioral dysfunction in relationships as the primary variable in research. A strident inability to accept the essence of a partner or having non-negotiable critical items undermines the potential for CBCT to succeed. In considering the integration of the various elements of CBT described earlier, excessive attention to cognitions, for example, may result in a low priority on activation of behavioral skills.