This chapter proposes questions for self-exploration in order to improve cultural competence with same-gender couples, in particular, to develop awareness of how queer couples are both similar to and different from mixed-gender couples. Bidell M. P. developed the sexual orientation counselor competency scale (SOCCS) for measuring self-reported counselor competencies when working with LGB clients. The SOCCS provides information about three domains of counselor competency: awareness, knowledge, and skills. The content of clinical training may also impact competence in working with LGB clients. Research has consistently found that gay men in consensually nonmonogamous (CNM) relationships experience intimacy, satisfaction, security, and commitment equal to men in monogamous relationships. Several studies suggest that how couples negotiate open relationships is particularly important. Hoff C. C. and Beougher S. C. found that having an explicit agreement can provide structure and security in the relationship and that CNM agreements can contribute to sexual and relationship satisfaction.