This article provides insights into the transformation typical for many regions in the indus-

trialized world – a change from traditional agriculture or manufacturing to service-

oriented production, often with a base in the tourism sector (Heldt Cassel & Pashkevich,

2011). More specifically, the article investigates the notion of tourism development in

combination with local industry, highlighting the potential and the challenges faced in

inter-sectoral knowledge interaction. The empirical focus is on the maritime heritage of

the Swedish west coastal community of Orust, and the development potential of marrying

the leisure boat manufacturing sector with the tourism sector. Hence, in this context, the

concept of industrial tourism is mainly referring to tourist visits to operational industries

with a core activity that is non-tourism-oriented and where the motive of the tourist is

based on an interest in the company, its management, its products and/or the production

processes (Frew, 2008).