This chapter describes the development of a Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) programmed within a medium secure hospital setting, aimed at reducing distress related to individual experiences of paranoia within forensic mental care. REBT is perhaps less well known compared with Beck Cognitive Therapy (CT), despite the fact that the philosophical and conceptual foundations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The main aims of the programmed were to enable individuals to develop an understanding of the nature of their paranoid beliefs and their role in the experience of psychological distress, and to facilitate the development of psychological strategies for alleviating such distress. When working with paranoid individuals in a forensic mental health setting there is a need for an approach that addresses distress reduction rather symptomatic change. REBT is accepting of an individual own experience. It allows both parties to construct explanations of paranoia-related distress and offending that are acceptable, accessible, and that draw from common experience outside of psychosis.