Attachment theory has proved one of the most effective approaches to have arisen out of psychology in the last 60 years or so. From its original inception by John Bowlby and elaboration by Mary Ainsworth, it has proved fertile ground for researchers in child development, clinical psychology, social psychology and, more latterly, neuroscience and forensic psychology. It has wide ranging ramifications for child, adult and family functioning and treatment. A central element in attachment theory is that of attachment style. In its inception by Ainsworth this comprises Secure, Insecure-Anxious-Ambivalent and Insecure-Avoidant styles, to which Disorganised was later added. Such styles form the basis of discriminating between different patterns of approach-avoidance in relating style from childhood to adulthood, with implications for the quality of adult relationships and psychopathology. One of the remaining challenges is to differentiate attachment styles in the prediction of problem partner and support relationships, parenting and psychopathology. For this, accessible, transparent, reliable and valid measurement of attachment style is critical to further progress research and underpin practice.