This chapter describes some practical examples of how Earth observation (EO) products can be used for the assessment of specific ecosystem services around the globe. EO via remote sensing technologies is increasingly being used for ecosystem assessment and valuation. EO products are powerful and affordable tools to map and assess ecosystems services, as well as to analyse their potential degradation through time. The Geographic Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Service project is focused on ecosystem services assessments in multiple sectors, and the Earth Observation Services for Ecosystem Valuation project is demonstrating the value of EO products for economic or social valuation. The main ecosystem services that occur in Koh-e Baba are regulating services from rangelands that moderate extreme events like landslides and avalanches through erosion prevention. A payment for ecosystem services scheme was introduced to limit the intrusion and to abate the impact on Sumatra's biodiversity. The chapter focuses on remote sensing approaches and methods can be found in G. Foody.