Everything that happens in organization will certainly affect the organizational climate change. As the case in Polman Bandung, changes in vision and mission of the organization to be one form of change that lead to changes in the formal organizational structure, physical factors and the characteristics of the task at hand that will affect the organizational climate change. George H. Litwin and Robert A. Stringer (1968) explained that organizational climate is perceived everything, as the subjective effect of the formal system, style information managers, and other environmental factors contained in the attitudes, beliefs, values and motivations of the people who work at a company particular. Therefore, in this study researchers define organizational climate is formed as a person experience the work environment, in other words, the environment will provide stimuli to be perceived by employees and will influence the behavior of employees towards the organization in which he works. Each member of the organization will perceive climate as favorable or unfavorable depending on experience, desires and expectations vary from each member organization. This also occurs in each employee remains Polman Bandung as the most responsible for achieving the vision and mission of the organization. Employees who perceive climate as favorable atmosphere would

feel more job satisfaction, and vice versa. In addition climate also has a direct influence on job satisfaction (Friedlander & Marguiles, 1969; Lawler, Hall & Oldham, 1974; Pritchard & Karasick, 1973 in Steers & Porter, 1980). Results of their study found that there is a clear positive relationship between climate and job satisfaction, although there can be stated that the relationship is at a high level of relationship because there are other factors that also have an important role for job satisfaction.