The nonprofit governance revolution is going beyond the back-to-basics approach and is charting new governance territory for today’s progressive and successful organization. New concepts are gently combined with time-tested basics to form a more dynamic and productive approach. The tremendously positive results are just beginning to be realized. Core components of progressive alternative board structures include: (1) the CEO has a significant place providing support, help, and goodwill to the board of directors; (2) there is a concerted effort to clearly define the different roles and functions that differentiate board and staff efforts; (3) the successful organization continually assesses and responds to incessant change in the business environment; and (4) nonprofit agencies of today are developing new organizational and board structures that accommodate vision, action, and achievement.

The true measure of the strength of a nonprofit organization lies in its ability to adapt to changes that occur in its environment. Most of the time when change occurs, the last part of the organization that experiences improvement through change is the board of directors. In today’s nonprofit world, we must have open minds and truly assess new ways of doing business so we may meet the new demands we face. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678. E-mail address: getinfo@haworthpressinc.com <Website: https://www.haworthpressinc.com>]