Clinicians who work with children and adolescents with learning disorders must be aware of the relationship between the learning disorder and the psychopathology the children present. This article offers a conceptual framework, based on psychoanalytic self psychology, to understand the modifications that are necessary in the treatment of this population. The author suggests that, in contrast to other approaches, it is not possible to conceptualize the treatment of these children as having a beginning, a middle, and an end. Rather, the therapeutic process is open-ended and conceived as occurring during a series of moments. The moments may be categorized as concordant, complementary, or disjunctive. During concordant moments a holding environment is created; during complementary moments the transference and countertransference is addressed; and during disjunctive moments the ruptures that inevitably occur during treatment are dealt with. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678. E-mail address: <getinfo@haworthpressinc.com> Website: < https://www.HaworthPress.com > © 2001 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]