As an antidote, this chapter explores development of inner lives of awareness and connectedness with all that exists that begins with each person, leads to the qualities that are the groundwork for peaceful relationships. Kennett-Roshi, using the metaphor of the lotus plant, explained that the we are in the mud, growing our roots. We need not be concerned about being compassionate, for a grateful heart naturally overflows to others. At those times one gives without being conscious of “giving” anything–one is simply “being.” Kennett-Roshi went on to explain that compassionate action forms the stem of the lotus. If we continue to be grateful, with compassion flowing from the gratitude, wisdom will arise out of compassion to form the full bud. As wisdom grows, the bud fills out to blossom into enlightenment–all due to the grateful heart. Modern psychology, traditionally, has chosen to disassociate itself from religion, identifying itself as a science.