N o w there is a metaphor in here that we or ig inal ly used to illustrate an example of Erickson's mult ip le embedded metaphors. Right now I just want to show a selected portion about behavior , so I won ' t read the who le thing and you won ' t l ike this example part icularly. I'll be reading from pages 112-119 if you care to fo l low a long and I w i l l read it in the vo ice tone and inflection that I've taken from Erickson so you can get a little more feel for being there in his off ice. The point here is we have a husband w h o is letting his soon-to-be ex-wife cause h im hurt. He doesn't stand up to her. He doesn't quarrel . He backs d o w n . Since I'm starting in the midd le , you won ' t get the mult ip le embedded effect of this metaphor. Erickson is do ing the talking and is discussing a picture one of his cl ients painted.