You w i l l see some graphs that are so tiny that they look like a virus. A n d you can't make anything of it without an electron microscope. Some w i l l be quite smal l , or you may get some that are right out to every border with the score of 20 . The difference between those then is that with a very small graph you have either a c l in ica l l y paranoid person or someone w h o is suspicious of test taking. O r you have something that leads to that paranoid appearance wh i ch isn't of that proport ion. This wou ld be somebody w h o is not getting any feedback from the environment and doesn't really know how to think of himself. A n d by contrast, if it's b lown out in every category, you may have a person w h o is grossly hysterical in her th inking. You know, it may be that she k icked at the dog in the yard yesterday and now she checks " c rue l and u n k i n d " because she's k icked the dog . O r a very large graph may represent that the person wants not to be suspic ious, but to please. A n d so s/he marks everything that cou ld be helpful . This may also be part of the hysterical structure or it may just be a person w h o is starving for some attention, or for a sense that s/he is wanted and helpful .