N o w F and G are " r ebe l l i ous . " That wou ld be the other place that Manson w o u l d probably score high. Rebel l ion is disaffiNative behavior that provokes hostile rejection. A n d in many famil ies where a member is labeled as sch iz - ophren ic , he or she w i l l score very high in the rebell ious area. W e are taking rebell ious in the sense that it provokes hostile rejection frequently and even without del iberat ion. So Manson w o u l d score high in both C and D, and E and F. I bel ieve that at his trial he said, " I 'm already dead, you can't ki l l m e . " That is hostile and submissive. That is the comment he made in the cour t room. I'd take h im up on that personally and see if he was right. So you can see that it has provoked hostile rejection from me!