A n d so that really wou ld be one of the first places to start intervening. It wou ld be to help her fil l in this managerial behavior so she cou ld feel more comfortable making decis ions and perhaps to teach her to do "as i f " decis ions. Rather than getting her to change her personality I w o u l d just use her personality. I w o u l d say, " Some people probably can't even dec ide what kind of silver to have . " A n d she w o u l d say, " Y a , those stupid p e o p l e . " Then I'd say, " W h i c h one do you like the best?" A n d she w i l l say, "That one, of cou rse . " A n d so I w o u l d get her to make decis ions from the c o m - petitive part of her personality and the crit ical part of the personality. In contrast to someone else, she wou ld probably be able to do it. But th inking for herself about her needs is not l ikely to work as we l l .