A n d back to the group now, hold onto everybody for just a second. See what I've accompl i shed by getting the mother to concentrate on her problem? Mother 's problem for me was that she was trying to be a negative cotherapist and get everything to look her way. But it doesn't matter if it looks her way because it is going to be screwed up because her way hasn't solved it for a long time already. So I have to change her way. O n e of the things about her way is that it is all external conversat ion about what everybody is do ing wrong. So I wanted her to concentrate her attention on herself. That w i l l accompl i sh interview management, if nothing else. A l so , hope - ful ly , you heard the interspersal vo ice tone shifts, for example , when I asked the m o m , " H o w d id you feel about yourself wh i l e other people were speaking?" I d idn' t ask her what she wanted to say or what was happen ing. I wanted a specif ic answer. I wanted her to tell me about herself, not everybody else. A n d then we wou ld f ind out a little bit about her needs if she

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has enough strength to tell me. If she doesn't, then we have to stop her and (well , she does in this role play) do something different.