So you see, I've said that what is going to happen real soon is she is go ing to be real powerful and make an impact and demands on her husband and she is a good person, so she doesn't want to do it wrong and then take it back. This is helpful . Not only is it true in the family structure but it helps her save face, helps her to understand the prob lem, and gives her a reason, especial ly to back up the stance, "I want you to keep on obsess ing . " and now you are going to add o n :

Every t ime you start having those repeating thoughts or obsessions, every t ime that you notice yourself having that depression, I'd l ike you to sit d o w n , pul l out a notebook pad, and jot d o w n three things you wouldn ' t dare say to anybody. A n d don't show it to anybody. This is between you and me for now. M a k e sure that happens at least twice a day. W h e n you start feel ing depressed and obsessing, pul l out a note pad and write d o w n three things you wou ldn ' t dare tell anyone-but identify w h o it is you wou ldn ' t dare tel l . If it's your mother, I wou ldn ' t dare tell her or if it's your father, I wou ldn ' t dare tell h i m , "I can go to col lege if I want t o . " If it is your husband, you might not dare say, " W o u l d you just be on my side sometimes and quit mak ing me have these doubts . " A n d write it down for me.