The Religious Education (RE) content in English schools depends on how the subject leader has interpreted the agreed syllabus. The six Eastern and Western religions are the most commonly taught in primary schools, although in practice Islam, Judaism and the Christian tradition of Catholic and Church of England are the most popular. This chapter attempts to convince the readers to widen their perspective and introduce children to a range of belief systems, the underpinning rationale being to promote equality and diversity. It focuses on activities and invites the teacher to make children aware of global Christianity and less familiar Christian denominations. Most teachers would be familiar with the denominations of Christianity called Anglicanism and most teachers also have knowledge of Catholicism, because many primary schools have a Church of England or Catholic foundation. Thus some schools, albeit unwittingly, would be exhibiting 'dysconcious' racism that is affirming the high status of the majority culture and lowering the status of minority cultures.