In 1984 French-Canadian playwright Michel Tremblay wrote an ingenious little play called Albertine in Five Times. It is the story of one life, the life of Albertine, but told at five different times of her life, by five different Albertines: at 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70. The older Albertines know what the younger ones don’t yet know. The younger ones remind the older ones of how different they were in their younger, less cynical and more passionate days. In the play, the five Albertines speak to each other and to their long-dead sister Madeleine. Each has ‘her own story’ but, together, they make a complex single person. It is a revisiting play. And it beautifully illustrates how memory both enlightens and confuses our sense of coherence as evolving individuals. Albertine At 50

You’ve got a short memory.

Albertine At 60

What? I don’t know what you mean.

Albertine At 50

I’ve stopped complaining too … but I don’t take pills …

Albertine At 60

That won’t last …

Albertine At 50

Why shouldn’t it?

Albertine At 60

Because you’re play-acting. You’re going through a phase where you play at being happy and positive.

Albertine At 70

Oh, shut up!

Albertine At 60

You’re no different! You’ve convinced yourself you’ll be happy in your stinky little room, but the real you knows better.

Albertine At 70

At least I’m glad to be alive …

Albertine At 50

So am I … glad to be alive …

Albertine At 60

I don’t believe you.

Albertine At 30

I’m young, I’m strong, I could do so much if it weren’t for this rage, gnawing at me …

Albertine At 40

Sometimes I think it's all that keeps me alive …

Albertine At 30

It's true.

Albertine At 60

You’ll get over that, too … Rage … Rebellion never solved a thing.

(pp. 45–46)