This chapter aims to understand the livelihood of internal migrants in China through migrant womens perceptions of home, and their home-making strategy while mobile; and how such perceptions and home-making strategies are linked to identity, development policy, and social exclusion toward the migrant population. When home perception and homemaking are framed along with mobility, the home is seen as unstable and drifting. However, behind the home perception and home-making strategy are identity, sense of belonging, and inclusion/exclusion of development. Hence, the empirical information is analyzed in relation to migrant womens home perception, home-making strategy, identity and sense of belonging. In the Chinese context, identity fixed to rural household registration is the single most important factor in women migrants perceptions of home and home-making strategy. Chinese literature on labor migration tends to focus on policy and institutional issues, such as the household registration system, labor rights, education of migrant children.