Greater London Council elections show modest swing to Labour: the Conservatives keep control but lose 16 seats and control of Inner London Education Authority. Roy Jenkins introduces a restrained budget despite having a record £2,444 million revenue surplus. Borough elections suggest considerable swing back to Labour, who make a net gain of 443 seats while the Conservatives lose 327. Gallup poll in the Daily Telegraph indicates 7.5 per cent Labour lead. Harold Wilson announces the election (prorogation on 29 May). Publication of the Conservative manifesto, which pledges tax and government spending cuts, introduction of greater competition, and targeting of social welfare spending. Publication of trade figures for May show sudden increased deficit of £31 million. Polling day: election returns 330 Conservatives, 288 Labour, 6 Liberals, and 6 others; Conservative overall majority of 30. Edward Heath accepts the Royal Commission to form a government, and becomes Prime Minister. Announcement of Cabinet posts. First meeting of the new Cabinet, faced with threat of a dock strike. Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Anthony Barber visit Brussels and Luxemburg and revive the British application to join the European Community (EC).