This chapter explains key objectives and characterises the political programmes of socialist parties. It describes differences between communist parties and social parties. The chapter explains differences between the former socialist parties, for example the Sozialistische Einheits Partei (SED) in the former GDR, and the socialist parties that exist in the West', such as the Partei des Sozialismus (PDS) in the unified Germany. It describes the aims and functions of non-governmental organizations (NGO's) and discusses their activities in general. The chapter provides information on conflicts around minorities such as the Hungarians in Romania and the Slovak Republic. It examines the conflicts and how politicians and the local population deal with the problem. The power of the people in many Central and Eastern European countries to make their voices heard and to initiate change from communism to democracy. Democracy is a very important thing. In an undemocratic country, one have not got the right to choose, so he cannot express himself.