Ports throughout the world have developed in different ways with a combination of economic, political, and even cultural and military influences, and thus no clear pattern of institutional or functional attributes of ports was produced. Cargo and cargo movement, on the other hand, pose a higher security threat to ports than all other assets combined. Transported cargo may be in different forms and can also change form while in ports or at inter-modal interfaces. The 24-hour rule is part of the Advanced Manifest Rule (AMR)/Advance Cargo Information (ACI) initiative, instituted by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in conjunction with the Trade Act of 2002, requiring detailed cargo data for all modes to be submitted to the US CBP prior to arrival at a US port or border-crossing. Even with detailed procedural regulations such as the 24-hour rule, full and accurate information regarding cargo movement and ownership throughout the supply chain may not be readily available to regulators or customs authorities.