Educational institutions are major cultural and social systems that police and regulate the living out of multicultural and multisexual queer identities, yet which also provide sites for anti-discriminatory responses to the marginalization of these multiple, hybrid identities. Censorship and disapproval (both real and imagined) together with informal codes and regulations for inclusion and representation within school and college communities reflect and reproduce formal debates within the wider society, and within ethnic, feminist, and gay/lesbian communities. Through a series of “Diary Entries,” I document my work and experiences with educational groups in both secondary and tertiary education in Australia in recent years—in what a bicultural, bisexual teacher-friend calls “teachers’ professional development playgrounds.” I explore dilemmas, concerns and strategies for placing “multiculturalism” on the “multisexual” agenda and, conversely, for placing “multisexuality” on the “multicultural” agenda. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivety Service: 1-800-342-9678. E-mail address: getinfochaworthpressinc.com]