In this chapter, the author argues that Deep Green Resistance (DGR) uses gender artifactualism to erase the subjectivity of trans people, and by defining femininity as artificial and inherently subordinate, specifically targets trans women. Green transmisogyny is not new; in fact it has been a thick rope binding together much of environmentalism, even some facets that theorize about gender and environment with a self-described feminist lens. 'Transmisogyny' is perhaps best defined as the confluence of misogyny and transphobia, including 'negative attitudes, expressed through cultural hate, individual and state violence, and discrimination' that are specifically targeted toward trans women and trans feminine people. DGR's anti-trans policies and actions are rooted in the organization's trans-exclusive radical feminism, as well as their particular flavor of radical environmentalism; transmisogyny is built into DGR's structure and values. DGR's definition of gender and gender politics relies on the white supremacist, colonialist project of the gender binary.