Sustainable future communities need to sacred symbols, sublime objects and charismatic leaders if they are to be sustainable intergenerationally. Kibbutz in Israel similarly is looked towards as a living example of sustainable ecological community. This chapter explores the question of new political-economic theology of the market and what its implications are for the ethical-political project of sustainable future communities. It elaborates and clarifies the centrality of sacred symbols and sublime objects and charismatic leaders in this, and indeed in any age. Sacred symbols that represent transcendental ideals are what iek calls the sublime objects of ideology'. Sacred symbols and sublime objects mark prohibitions and limits governing collective and individual life, encourage and enable individual and collective actions and practices. Symbolic representations of sacred transcendental ideas constitute the core of any collective form of life. Godin's Familistre in the French model town of Guise was founded on the transcendental Enlightenment and modern ideals of French Republicanism.