The company response was to organise a training programme' and naturally improvement was short lived. Instead of incurring more costs, training venue, time off, wages of those attending, and so on, an enlightened Manager, straight from the Blanchard seminar, started to ask some questions. Many training courses end their session with some sort of questionnaire, which at best, elicits comment on the perceived quality' of the presentations, and at worst, is a clapometer' describing how much we liked the trainer, the facilities and the food, or how impressed or unimpressed people were with the Death by Powerpoint' approach. In Robert Mager's Preparing Instructional Objectives, these principles are outlined eloquently and with much wit and wisdom. Ken Blanchard addresses the issue in his Situational Leadership' model. The individual who falls into the category of High Competence/Variable Performance' needs to be helped with the Supportive' leadership approach of asking questions to identify problems which are preventing acceptable performance.