The Sphere is the solide body contained under one superficies, in the middest whereof there is a point or prick, which is the center of the Sphere from whence all right lines drawn to the circumference are equal the one to the other, whereby it is to be understood that the centre of the Sphere is evenly placed in his midst, as that it hath like distance from al parts of the Circumference. And forasmuch as the Sphere is an instrument demonstrating unto us the universall ingine of the world, we must therefore understand this center to be this terrestrial Globe wherein we have our being, which compared to the celestiall Globe or heauēly circumference doth beare proportiō, as ye center to his circles, which earthly globe by the divine mightie workmanship of God doth admirably hang upon his center, being of equal distance from al parts of the circumference.